You would like to reduce your personnel costs, optimize your loading times and fulfill your legal obligations at the same time? Do you want smooth loading and error-free unloading? Our industry-proven solution for dispatching, loading control and dispatching of tank trucks brings movement into your processes - from access control to the dispatch of relevant documents. Thanks to VERA-V3, you are always on the productive side and in compliance with all dangerous goods-relevant specifications.
The loading and unloading of tank trucks is accompanied by enormous demands. You have to check the master data of drivers and vehicles. Control and monitor loading processes. Coordinate and track transport orders. Create and print shipping documents. And if you don't have software for this challenging process, you'll have to rely on unprofitable manual labor. However, manual tank control is not only time-consuming, but also reckless. You increase the error rate. You lose control of your operations. You risk penalties or claims for damages in the event of violations of dangerous goods legislation. There is a solution for this. A resource-saving solution. A solution that guarantees you absolute precision and maximum transparency. This solution is called VERA-V3.
You would like to get a first impression of our market-driven application for automated loading and unloading of tank trucks? The best way to show how powerful our industry-proven VERA-V3 is is to take a look at a typical loading operation. As soon as the tankers arrive at your driveway, the vehicle operators receive their loading orders. These have been checked several times beforehand to ensure that only approved vehicles are loaded with approved products. A large display then guides the drivers to the next free loading area, where the tankers can be filled conveniently and without errors using vehicle cards. Your dispatchers can follow the process in real time and intervene if necessary; our software visualizes both the location and the status of the tankers on the screen. While the drivers pick up their freight documents at the exit pylon, VERA-V3 sends the shipping data to your ERP systems or involved partners - and thus ensures:
More efficiency. Our SaaS solution enables precise loading and fast unloading.
Absolute safety. Avoiding overloads, underloads and leaks minimizes the risk of accidents and environmental pollution.
Transparency and control. Integrated data tracking and reporting improves monitoring of the loading process.
Maximum precision. Our system reduces human error during loading.
Perfect operations. VERA-V3 simplifies the transport of different liquids, gases and chemicals.
VTA Software & Service GmbH offers a wide range of services for the successful setup and application of its solutions. In doing so, we always work closely with our customers and accompany them from joint planning to competent commissioning. And beyond. To enable smooth data exchange, our experts first integrate your field devices and set up interfaces to your partners' systems. This is followed by automatic connection to VTA-EMCS, our module for smart monitoring of excisable goods. Before we put the software solution into operation, we teach your employees everything they need to know to operate it competently and independently. Regular maintenance and fast support complete our portfolio.
Today, the loading and unloading of tank trucks is designed and organized according to ecological and economic aspects. This important interface in tank farm logistics needs a perfect security concept. Not only for accident prevention, but also to protect against fraud and misuse. VTA solutions use modern data encryption technologies and thus stand for a seamless flow of information, effective monitoring, and absolute confidentiality and integrity.
The abbreviation ADR stands for "Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route", in German "Europäisches Übereinkommen über die internationale Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf der Straße". The ADR regulates, among other things, the classification, packaging, labeling and documentation of dangerous goods transports and thus facilitates the cross-border transfer of fuel oils, fuels and chemicals.
In principle, we can connect and control any field device types with our software. To date, the VTA standard includes devices from renowned manufacturers such as Pfister, M+F Technologies, FMC, IDE, Timm, Siemens, Reitberger, Schauf, Schenck, Stahl, Signotec, TBS Biometrics or Benninghofen. Do you have a field device that we don't know yet? Just contact us - we will be happy to integrate it for you.